Refer a friend and get £20 Bonus

Refer a friend and get £20 Bonus

If you are a casual gamer who dabbles in a bit of online casino play once in a while and if there’s one thing you love, its great game play. Another thing that probably excites you is free money in exchange for playing your usual games! That is exactly why you would be extremely excited to learn how one of your favourite mobile casino, Vegas Mobile Casino, is offering a £20 Bonus to just Refer a friend to use their app. It is that easy!

About Vegas Mobile Casino

Vegas Mobile Casino is one of the best online gambling casinos from Britain, bringing you a Las Vegas experience on your smart phone or mobile device. With over 27 games to choose from, all of the games can be played in HD, with impressive graphics and are compatible with all smart phones, both for Android and iOS. Gamers can rest assured as their winnings and gameplay are all secure on the Vegas Mobile Casino site in keeping with Gibraltar’s Gambling Act of 2005.

So, how does refer a friend work?

You would have several friends on your contact list who love playing casino games and all you have to do is refer a friend to Vegas Mobile Casino. Vegas Mobile Casino then sends your friends the link, inviting them to play with them. As soon as my friends create their first deposit on the app, you will receive £20. The best part of this – and that’s what will bring tears of joy – is that I get £20 for every single referred friend who makes a deposit!

When you first see the offer on the Vegas Mobile Casino site, you will rub your eyes and pinch yourself to make sure you are not dreaming. After all, it’s not every day that someone gives you a whole £20 of actual money, to just Refer a friend. The app lets you refer a friend who you think would be interested in playing their games and the rest is done as soon as your friend accepts.

Well, there is none! Here are some terms and conditions you may want to keep in mind if you’re really sceptical of how it all works:

  • When you refer a friend, you are rewarded as soon as your friend makes a deposit on the app. What I did was to text my friends and remind them about the invite soon after they received the referral link and show them how much fun the games were so that they were suitably convinced to play and get hooked to the site. Since it’s a secure app, they were completely onboard with making a deposit.

  • You can only collect one bonus for each friend you refer. Yes, £20 for each friend is good enough, don’t you think?!

  • Customers need to be 18 years or older. That’s a given for nearly anything you use on the Internet, including Facebook!

  • The refer a friend clause does not include customers who choose to have their money billed to their mobile or landline, so you may want to remind your friend or family about that before you refer a friend.

  • There is no upper limit to how many friends you can refer. That’s right! You can refer as many friends as you can and earn as many bonuses as your little mitts can hold.

  • You may wonder why something so cool is available for free. Well, the answer is simple, really. Word of mouth is the best and most sincere form of referral. Vegas Mobile Casino understands that and just wants to reward their users if they refer a friend. So, if that puts all your doubts to rest, go ahead a refer a friend and start enjoying some cool winnings on the app!

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