Vegas Mobile Casino

Blog Posted on 03/05/2019 | Author: Karen Macarthur

Learn About Lucky 31 Bet at Vegas Mobile Casino

Lucky 31 bet is quite popular. Such types of bets are usually made at horse racing and a few other sports. As the name implies, Lucky 31 bets are made up of no less than 31 bets that are applied across 5 selections.

All About Lucky 31 Bet

Learn About Lucky 31 Bet at Vegas Mobile Casino

By placing Lucky 31 bets, players are essentially making 31 bets on 5 different selections. A simple ₤1 win-only Lucky 31 bet, therefore, costs around ₤31.

The payout from this bet varies and depends on how many selections were made and the exact odds for each. Since such a bet has single bets, just one win from any of the 5 different selections is needed for a payout. However, should just one selection win, the amount won will be invariably too low to cover the cost of the total stake.

The 31 bets in Lucky 31 bets are made up of the following:

  • 5 singles
  • 10 doubles
  • 10 trebles
  • 5 four-fold accumulators
  • 1 five-fold accumulator

How Wins Are Calculated in Lucky 31 Bet?

An often-asked question is how many selections need be hit for a Lucky 31 bet to be financially viable. The answer to this is that the amount won varies greatly and is dependent on how many selections were hit and their payout percentage. Given this, a nice return on the stake might not be possible if just a couple of selections were won.

As an example, take Player A who bets ₤1 on the Lucky 31 bet, with his total stake being ₤31. Each horse in the bet has a 2.00 price.

  • 0 selection wins – a profit of ₤26 and return of ₤0
  • 1 selection wins – a profit of ₤28 and return of ₤3
  • 2 selection wins – a profit of ₤23 and return of ₤8
  • 3 selection wins – a profit of ₤5 and return of ₤26
  • 4 selection wins – a profit of ₤49 and return of ₤80
  • 5 selection wins – a profit of ₤211 and return of ₤242

In real life, the price of 2.00 for each horse is not realistic, but no matter. The given example above makes clear the fact that at least 3 selections are required to just about break even and from 4 to 5 selections will be required for a profit.

Reasons To Play Lucky 31 Bet

One powerful reason for players to play such bets is the fact that it boosts the possible return for multiple bets. Such bet types are high risk and high reward wagers that are particularly suited for players fully convinced that Lady Luck is on their side!

Lucky 31 bets, however, have a notable disadvantage. This has to do with their considerable cost that might be beyond the financial capabilities of some players.

How Possible Are Each Way Lucky 31?

Each way Lucky 31 bets are very possible. Such bets are made up of a total of 62 bets, with 31 of those bets supposed to bring in a win.

Are Lucky 31 and Super Yankee The Same?

Lucky 32 and Super Yankee both have key similarities and differences. The key difference here is that while Lucky 31 boasts 31 bets, Super Yankee makes do with 21 and does not support the 5 singles bets.

A Lucky 31 bets are made up of 31 bets that are spread over 5 varied selections. Such bets have 5 singles, 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 fourfold accumulators and a 5-folder accumulator. Lucky 31 bets are incredibly popular, due in part to their enhanced chances of triggering a return in contrast to traditional accumulators.

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